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Cost Of Living

ItemCost (Avg./Range) €FrequencyComments
Tax20%, 40% rate bands (PAYE)

0.5% To 8% rate bands (USC)

4% (PRSI)
Rent2 bed - 1800 to 2100 (Dublin)

1500 - 1800 (Cork)

1475 (Galway)

800 - 1100 (Letterkenny)
Groceries150-300 (Family of 2)

350 - 400 (Family of 4)
Indian Stores50-100 (Family of 2)
Internet30-60MonthlyPrice varies based on new customer offer/plan/vendor availability

Cost increases post offer period
Gas40-80 (Summer)

100-180 (Winter)
Mobile Plans10-25MonthlyYou can also choose Pay As You Go and top up as needed
Bank Charges (Maintenance fees/Transaction charges)6 per month (BOI)

4.5 per quarter(AIB)
Transaction/ATM charges/exemptions vary for each bank
Immigration Stamping/Renewal300Every Renewal per person

Renewal period - 1/2/5 years
TV Licence160YearlyOnly if you own a TV with antenna
Shopping100-300MonthlyDepends on lifestyle - Amazon/Local Shopping/Offers/Hardware/Dress/Gadgets
Transport10-20 (Leap - Occasional Travel)

40 (Irish Rail)

10-30 (Taxi Short Distance - Once)
MonthlyDepends on how frequent you travel/travel mode

Tax saver options available
Restaurants/Takeaways50-150 (Family of 2)MonthlyAssumes an average of 10 transactions per month and combined spend per transaction doesn't exceed €20
Driving Licence Process45 (Theory Test - One time)

30 (Eye Test - One Time)

35 (Learner Permit - New + Renewal)

180-250 (6 EDT Lessons) (or) 350-450 (12 EDT Lessons)

30-40 for each extra class

85 per driving test attempt + 100 for car rental each time

55 (Driving Licence - New + Renewal)
Car Insurance1500 - 3000 (Learner/New)

700 (Experienced)
Motor Tax300Yearly
Car Fuel200Monthly
NCT/Maintenance300YearlyVaries based on car/usage
Travel to India450-1000Per person

Price varies based on airline/layover time/early-late booking/peak season
Health Insurance50MonthlyIf your company pays health insurance then BIK (Benefit-In-Kind) applies
GP60Per visit

50-100% reimbursable by Insurance

E-Doctor options available for free based on insurance provider/scheme
Hospital A&E visit100

Last Updated: 30-Dec-2021